SAW: Every piece has a puzzle.
SAW II: Oh yes... there will be blood.
SAW III: Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet.
SAW IV: It's a trap.
SAW V: You won't believe how it ends.
SAW VI: His disease is spreading.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

Trampas de Saw V anunciadas!!

Bueno... a continuación pondré un documento que se anda esparciendo por la web y es de IMDB, auqnue no es un sitio muy confiable alguien ha puesto un articulo sobre las trampas de Saw V. A mi me suena a fake...
Si van a esperar a la pelicula NO LEAN.


"I work for Lionsgate. Recent developments have allowed me to reveal four of the seven traps. Sorry :( Can't reveal any more but be happy with what yor given!

The Pedulum Trap
You all know it. A man has to crush his hands in vices or be split in half by a pendulum. Crushes hands, but blade still splits him in half. Later revealed to be a malfunction.

The Head Trap
Straum has a glass box locked on his head which is filling up with water. He has two buttons in front of him. One will free him, but kill Corbett. The other will drown him but free Corbett. I can't tell you what happens in this trap. It's slightly part of the twist. What I can tell you is that he is TOLD this. See how I put TOLD in CAPITALS?

The Shackle Trap: The Electric Collars
Four people, Brit, Mallick, Charles and Luba awake with their ankles wrapped in shackles, all linked. They are enemies and have to make their way through four rooms. Each of them also have a second shackle; a collar locked around their necks which is linked to separate poles. Their second shackles DO NO link to each other. At the top of each pole is a block made out of glass with a key to unlock their collars in the middle. They are told they will be electrocuted if they do not get the keys in time. They all begin hitting the blocks of glass with their hands, cutting at their skin and bone. Mallick doesn't do it in time and is electrocuted. The rest narrowly escape. They also all have bracelets locked onto their wrists. In thiry minutes the bracelets will release springs which will cut open their major arteries and have them bleed to death.

The Shackle Trap: The Iron Maiden
In the next room one of them have to sacrifice themselves by locking themselves in an Iron Maiden. Once someone has been put in the Iron Maiden the door will open. But in sixty seconds the flammable substance covering the floor will be ignited. In the end Luba and Brit force Charles into the Iron Maiden and lock him inside. They escape seconds before the floor is ignited and shut the door.

That's all :( I can't reveal any more traps yet."

No lo he podido traducir poque no tengo suficiente tiempo para hacerlo.
Nos vemos!

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

anda por fa traducelo que me he quedado con la intriga

Anónimo dijo...

joe eso es cierto lo malo que no lo puedo leer por que no hay traduccion ¡¡traducelo¡¡,por fis

Anónimo dijo...

que dira me he quedado con la intriga sera freke o no aun asi es interesante espero que en el proximo articulo salga traducido

Anónimo dijo...

traducelo por favor es que tengo una intriga enorme y en ningun blog lo traducen ,por otro lado el blog esta guay sigue asi

Anónimo dijo...

uhh mira la trmapa mas importante es la de stram esta en una espacia d cubo de agua q tien uno tubo q lo llenan de agua...
stram tendra dos botones al frente
uno de ellos lo liberara pero matara a un personaje...segun eso Corbett y el otro boton liberara a Corbett pero ahogara a stram...
dice el articulo q no se puededecir q va a pasar...

Anónimo dijo...

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